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Marlen Martha Maria

intuitive music / The power of silence

The power of silence

It's a great pleasure and honor for me to share my present being in a gathering of silence with you.

No rousing speech, no teaching, no conversation by words.
Just unconditional love, being, stillness and presence with an open gaze.

In silence, you come to the pre-announced location for the 'Gathering of Silence' and looks for a comfortable place on the ground without talking.
 For about 50-60 minutes I'll sit in presence and silence in front of you.
My eyes will be open. Your eyes can be opend or closed, how you prefer.

bring along
A blanket or fur to sit on the floor and a bottle of water (for drinking after the gathering).

An energy balancing is at your own discretion based on donation.


Would you love to invite me for a gathering of silence, 
please send me a message with your request.
I'll respond as soon as possible.